
29/8/2019 Monitoring note EN
Scope converts bank and covered bond credit ratings from public into subscription ratings
In the context of Scope Ratings’ strategy of focussing on the needs of institutional investors, Scope will offer its unsolicited bank and covered bond credit ratings on a subscription basis only via its credit intelligence platform.

16/4/2019 Rating announcement EN
Scope assigns Handelsbanken senior non-preferred debt A+ rating, upgrades senior unsecured to AA-
Following implementation in Swedish law of a new class of senior non-preferred debt, Scope rates Svenska Handelsbanken’s senior non-preferred debt at A+ and upgrades senior unsecured (non-MREL eligible) debt one notch to AA-, both with Stable Outlook.

17/5/2018 Rating announcement EN
Scope upgrades Svenska Handelsbanken’s Issuer Rating by one notch to AA-, with Stable Outlook
This rating action concludes the review initiated a month ago. It reflects Handelsbanken’s ability to weather weakness in Sweden’s housing market, prudent growth strategy, and reassuring financial metrics.

13/4/2018 Rating announcement EN
Scope reviews for possible upgrade Svenska Handelsbanken’s A+ Issuer Rating
Scope’s review will cover Handelsbanken’s ability to weather weakness in Sweden’s housing market and the effects of the Swedish regulator’s related macro-prudential measures, as well as expected changes to capital requirements for Swedish mortgages.
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