
29/8/2019 Monitoring note EN
Scope converts bank and covered bond credit ratings from public into subscription ratings
In the context of Scope Ratings’ strategy of focussing on the needs of institutional investors, Scope will offer its unsolicited bank and covered bond credit ratings on a subscription basis only via its credit intelligence platform.

19/12/2016 Rating announcement EN
Scope assigns ratings to 38 outstanding Tier 2 securities of 16 banks in nine EU countries
Aggregate amount of Tier 2 securities rated is equivalent to nearly EUR 40bn; all rated securities were issued publicly in 2015-2016 by banks already rated by Scope and qualify as Tier 2 capital under CRD IV-CRR.

19/11/2014 Rating announcement EN
Scope Publishes Ratings on Four Large Nordic Banks
Ratings reflect strong prudential and credit metrics and stable funding, but also growing challenges in the Nordic region, such as overheating housing prices in Sweden and Norway, which could affect the large banks’ asset-quality metrics.
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