
10/9/2021 Rating announcement EN
Scope upgrades Greece's long-term credit rating to BB+ and revises the Outlook to Stable
European institutional support, improvements in the profile of government debt and structural reform drive the ratings upgrade. Very elevated government debt levels, banking-system fragilities and structural economic bottlenecks remain ratings challenges.

18/10/2019 Rating announcement EN
Scope upgrades Greece’s long-term credit rating to BB from BB-, Outlook remains Positive
Reform continuity and improved medium-term public debt sustainability drive the upgrade; high ratio of non-performing loans in Greek banks and weak long-term macroeconomic sustainability are constraints.

10/5/2019 Rating announcement EN
Scope upgrades Greece’s long-term credit rating to BB- from B+, Outlook Positive
Strengthened cash flow profile and debt repayment capacity, improving medium-term public debt sustainability and sustained reforms drive the upgrade; elevated financial stability risks and weak macroeconomic sustainability are constraints.

18/5/2018 Rating announcement EN
Scope upgrades Greece’s long-term credit rating to B+ from B- and changes the Outlook to Positive
Compliance with the adjustment programme, improved budgetary performance, economic stabilization and a more favourable policy environment drive the upgrade; fragile public debt sustainability and economic growth prospects are constraints.

30/6/2017 Rating announcement EN
Scope upgrades and publishes Greece’s credit rating to B- from CC and changes Outlook to Stable
Euro area membership, compliance with adjustment programme, improved budgetary performance, and preliminary signs of economic stabilization drive the upgrade; high public debt, fragile recovery prospects and banking sector risks are constraints.
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