
31/1/2020 Rating announcement EN
Scope upgrades Portugal’s credit rating to BBB+ and revises the Outlook to Stable
A prudent fiscal policy, sustained public debt reduction, a resilient debt profile and the gradual unwinding of economic imbalances drive the upgrade; a modest growth potential, high external debt and implicit liabilities are constraints.

5/4/2019 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms Portugal’s credit rating at BBB and revises the Outlook to Positive
Sustained public debt reduction, a resilient debt profile, and the gradual unwinding of economic imbalances drive the outlook change; high public, private and external debt levels, elevated implicit liabilities and low growth potential are constraints.

8/6/2018 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms Portugal’s credit rating of BBB with Stable Outlook
The economic recovery, reduction of economic, fiscal and external imbalances and a favourable debt structure support the rating; high public, private and external debt levels, elevated implicit liabilities and low growth potential are constraints.

30/6/2017 Rating announcement EN
Scope confirms and publishes Portugal’s credit rating of BBB, changes Outlook to Stable
Euro area membership, improving fiscal performance, commitment to structural reforms, and a favourable public-debt profile support the rating; high private and public debt, structural rigidities and challenges in the banking system are constraints.
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