

      Instrument data
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      Fixed:Plain Vanilla Fixed Coupon
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      A- Outlook: Stable
      A- Outlook: Stable
      Latest change
      General information
      With no issuer participation
      UK endorsed
      EU Rated
      Dennis Shen Lead analyst
      Eiko Sievert Committee chair
      Scope upgrades Croatia’s credit ratings to A- and revises the Outlook to Stable

      18/10/2024 Rating announcement EN

      Scope upgrades Croatia’s credit ratings to A- and revises the Outlook to Stable

      Steady improvements in fiscal fundamentals and strong medium-term growth prospects drive the upgrade. Moderate economic diversification and adverse demographic trends remain key credit constraints.

      Scope affirms Croatia at BBB+ and revises the Outlook to Positive

      3/5/2024 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms Croatia at BBB+ and revises the Outlook to Positive

      A firmly declining debt trajectory and favourable medium-term growth prospects drive the Outlook revision. Low economic diversification and adverse demographic trends are the main credit constraints.

      Scope affirms Croatia's credit ratings at BBB+ with Stable Outlook

      26/5/2023 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms Croatia's credit ratings at BBB+ with Stable Outlook

      Euro area membership since 2023, favourable public debt trajectory and sound structural reform momentum support the ratings. High public debt levels, modest growth potential and limited economic diversification remain rating challenges.

      Scope upgrades the Republic of Croatia's credit ratings to BBB+; Outlooks revised to Stable

      15/7/2022 Rating announcement EN

      Scope upgrades the Republic of Croatia's credit ratings to BBB+; Outlooks revised to Stable

      Euro area accession from 1 January 2023 drives the upgrade. Credit challenges are high public debt, modest potential growth and external vulnerabilities.

      Scope affirms Croatia’s credit rating at BBB- and revises Outlook to Positive

      28/1/2022 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms Croatia’s credit rating at BBB- and revises Outlook to Positive

      Substantial euro-area accession reforms drive the Outlook change. Elevated public debt, external vulnerabilities, and low growth potential remain credit challenges.

      Scope upgrades Croatia’s long-term credit rating to BBB- from BB+, and assigns a Stable Outlook

      28/6/2019 Rating announcement EN

      Scope upgrades Croatia’s long-term credit rating to BBB- from BB+, and assigns a Stable Outlook

      Improvements in Croatia’s fiscal performance and budgetary framework alongside strengthened external buffers drive the upgrade. High public debt and foreign-currency exposure, low potential growth and institutional weaknesses remain constraints.

      Scope upgrades Croatia’s long-term credit rating to BB+ from BB, with Stable Outlook

      27/7/2018 Rating announcement EN

      Scope upgrades Croatia’s long-term credit rating to BB+ from BB, with Stable Outlook

      The concluded Agrokor debt settlement, Croatia’s improved budgetary performance and strengthening external position drive the upgrade. High public debt and foreign-currency exposure, low potential growth and institutional weaknesses are constraints.

      Scope confirms and publishes Croatia’s BB credit rating and changes Outlook to Stable

      1/9/2017 Rating announcement EN

      Scope confirms and publishes Croatia’s BB credit rating and changes Outlook to Stable

      The rating is supported by Croatia’s EU membership, a moderate recovery and reduced fiscal deficits. Low growth potential, high public, private and external debt levels as well as institutional shortcomings are constraints.

      Date Title