
21/11/2024 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms Bank Burgenland’s Austrian mortgage covered bond rating at AAA/Stable
The rating on Hypo-Bank Burgenland AG’s Austrian mortgage covered bonds (Hypothekenpfandbriefe) reflects the issuer's A- rating enhanced by six notches from governance and cover pool support.

22/11/2023 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms at AAA/Stable the Austrian mortgage-covered bonds issued by Bank Burgenland
The rating reflects a combination of cover pool and governance support. Credit risks stemming from the mixed cover pool in combination with interest rate mismatches between assets and liabilitites drive the level of rating-supporting overcollateralisation

28/11/2022 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms at AAA/Stable the Austrian mortgage-covered bonds issued by Bank Burgenland
The rating reflects strong support from the cover pool. Credit risks stemming from the mixed cover pool in combination with asset-liability mismatches drive the level of rating-supporting OC. High stakeholder cohesiveness increases the rating floor.

30/11/2021 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms at AAA/Stable the Austrian mortgage-covered bonds issued by Bank Burgenland
The rating reflects strong support from the cover pool. Stressed maturity mismatches in combination with credit risks stemming from the mixed cover pool drive the level of rating-supporting overcollateralisation.

19/11/2019 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms at AAA/Stable the mortgage-covered bonds issued by Bank Burgenland
The rating reflects strong support from the cover pool. Asset-liability mismatches drive the rating-supporting overcollateralisation. The high credit quality of the domestic residential and commcercial mortgage pool adds only incremental risk.

22/11/2018 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms AAA ratings of mortgage-covered bonds issued by Bank Burgenland, Outlook Stable
Covered bonds credit quality benefit from the issuer’s active risk management, reducing forex and credit risk; ample available overcollateralisation mitigates risks supporting AAA ratings.
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