10/1/2025 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms the Republic of Georgia's BB credit ratings and revises the Outlooks to Negative
A rise of institutional, geopolitical and external-sector risk drives the Outlook change. Declining and moderate levels of government debt, a strong government debt profile, and robust growth support the ratings.
2/2/2024 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms Georgia’s BB credit ratings, maintaining a Stable Outlook
Strong public-debt profile, declining government-debt ratio and strong medium-run growth prospects support the ratings. Sustained geopolitical and domestic political risks alongside external vulnerabilities are ratings challenges.
27/1/2023 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms Georgia’s BB ratings, and maintains a Stable Outlook
Resilient growth since Russia-Ukraine crisis, prudent fiscal policy, strong debt profile and strengthened banking system support ratings. Heightened geopolitical and domestic political risks alongside external vulnerabilities are ratings challenges.
17/4/2020 Rating announcement EN
Scope revises the Outlook on Georgia to Negative, affirms ratings at BB
The exposure to the Covid-19 shock, tighter financing conditions and elevated exchange rate volatility amid high dollarisation drive the Outlook change. The commitment to structural reforms and fiscal discipline are credit strengths.
8/6/2018 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms Georgia’s credit rating of BB, Outlook remains Stable
Georgia’s sustained economic performance, commitment to structural reform, and fiscal consolidation support the rating. Reliance on external financing amidst high dollarization as well as a low per-capita income are constraints.
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