
1/2/2021 Monitoring note EN
Scope publishes the rating report for POP NPLs 2020 S.r.l. - Italian NPL ABS
Scope Ratings publishes its rating report for POP NPLs 2020 S.r.l., a cash securitisation of a EUR 920m portfolio of Italian non-performing loans originated by 15 Italian banks, listed in the appendix.

23/12/2020 Rating announcement EN
Scope assigns BBB(SF) to the class A notes issued by POP NPLS 2020 S.r.l. – Italian NPL ABS
POP NPLS 2020 S.r.l. is an Italian securitisation of a mixed portfolio of non-performing loans originated by 15* Italian banks and serviced by Credito Fondiario S.p.A. and Fire S.p.A. as special servicers.