
16/11/2021 Rating announcement EN
Scope assigns AAA(SF) to Class A1 notes issued by Alba 12 SPV S.r.l. – Italian Lease ABS
Scope Ratings has assigned final ratings to the notes issued by Alba 12 SPV S.r.l., a static cash securitisation of a EUR 1,104m pool of lease receivables originated by Alba Leasing S.p.A. to Italian SMEs, individuals and large corporates.

2/11/2021 Rating announcement EN
Scope assigns (P) AAA (SF) to Class A1 notes issued by Alba 12 SPV S.r.l. – Italian Lease ABS
Scope Ratings has assigned preliminary ratings to the notes to be issued by Alba 12 SPV S.r.l., a static cash securitisation of a EUR 1,104m pool of lease receivables originated by Alba Leasing S.p.A. to Italian SMEs, individuals and large corporates.