
19/1/2024 Monitoring note EN
Scope updates on Olympia SPV S.r.l. following an amendment to the cap confirmation - Italian NPL ABS
The amendment to the cap confirmation to reduce the notional amount of the cap agreement, based on the draft documentation available to Scope, does not in and of itself, result in a rating action or withdrawal of the current ratings of the class A note.

25/11/2021 Rating announcement EN
Scope assigns BBB(SF) to the class A notes issued by OLYMPIA SPV S.r.l. – Italian NPL ABS
Scope Ratings GmbH (Scope) has today assigned a final rating to the notes issued by OLYMPIA SPV S.r.l., a cash securitisation of a EUR 2,168m portfolio of Italian non-performing loans originated and sold by Unicredit S.p.A.