
22/2/2022 Rating announcement EN
Scope rates at A-(SF) the Class A1 notes issued by Warrington Residential 2022-1 DAC
Scope Ratings GmbH (Scope) has today assigned definitive ratings to the notes issued by Warrington Residential 2022-1 DAC, a EUR 403.3m true-sale securitisation of non-performing residential mortgages in Ireland.

14/2/2022 Rating announcement EN
Scope rates at (P) A-(SF) the Class A1 notes to be issued by Warrington Residential 2022-1 DAC
Scope Ratings has today assigned preliminary ratings to the notes to be issued by Warrington Residential 2022-1 DAC, a EUR 403.3m true-sale securitisation of non-performing residential mortgages in Ireland.