
12/12/2024 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms B+/Stable issuer rating of Kopaszi Gát Zrt.
The affirmation reflects Kopaszi’s ability to generate strong rental income, supported by improving occupancy rates and a healthy project pipeline. High leverage and reliance on project completions remain key constraints.

12/12/2023 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms Kopaszi Gát Zrt. issuer rating at B+/Stable
A good sales performance, reflected in strong pre-sales of about 90%, as well as a robust pipeline of projects support the rating. High leverage, small size and limited diversification remain the main constraints.

19/1/2022 Rating announcement EN
Scope assigns first-time issuer rating of B+ to Kopaszi Gát Kft.
The rating assessment reflects Kopaszi's high-quality development portfolio and partly operating in less cyclical homebuilding, segment with strong demand. The company's small size and limited diversification are the main constraints.
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