
29/8/2019 Monitoring note EN
Scope converts bank and covered bond credit ratings from public into subscription ratings
In the context of Scope Ratings’ strategy of focussing on the needs of institutional investors, Scope will offer its unsolicited bank and covered bond credit ratings on a subscription basis only via its credit intelligence platform.

2/6/2017 Rating announcement EN
Scope rates at A+/Stable new TLAC/MREL-eligible senior debt issued by ING Group
Scope rates at A+/Stable new TLAC/MREL-eligible senior debt issued by ING Group; also upgrades to AA-/Stable senior unsecured debt issued by ING Bank (in line with the bank’s existing Issuer Rating).

5/10/2015 Rating announcement EN
Scope changes to Positive from Stable the outlook of ING Bank’s A long-term ratings
Outlook change reflects the near completion of required restructuring and the progress in executing a standalone bank strategy; Scope also assigns A rating with Positive Outlook to ING Group
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