

      Scope affirms the European Union’s and Euratom’s AAA rating with Stable Outlook

      CMEPD 0.750 05/04/27 MTN CMEPD 11/26/24 FRN MTN EUUNI 1.250 04/04/33 MTN EUUNI 0.500 04/04/25 MTN EUUNI 1.250 07/20/32 MTN EUUNI 0.750 04/04/31 MTN EUUNI 1.125 04/04/36 MTN EUUNI 1.125 12/01/28 MTN EUUNI 0.625 11/04/23 MTN EUUNI 1.500 10/04/35 MTN EUUNI 0.490 05/04/27 MTN EUUNI 0.519 04/04/30 MTN EUUNI 0.519 04/04/29 MTN EUUNI 0.519 04/04/28 MTN EUUNI 0.519 04/04/27 MTN EUUNI 0.519 04/04/26 MTN EUUNI 0.770 12/04/27 MTN EUUNI 0.770 12/04/26 MTN EUUNI 0.770 12/04/29 MTN EUUNI 0.770 12/04/28 MTN EUUNI 0.770 12/04/25 MTN EUUNI 1.375 10/04/29 MTN EUUNI 1.875 04/04/24 MTN EUUNI 2.000 02/10/23 MTN EUUNI 2.500 11/04/27 MTN EUUNI 2.875 04/04/28 MTN EUUNI 3.375 04/04/38 MTN EUUNI 3.375 04/04/32 MTN EUUNI 3.750 04/04/42 MTN EUUNI 3.000 09/04/26 MTN EUUNI 2.875 10/20/25 MTN EUUNI 0.500 12/04/35 MTN EUUNI 0.200 04/18/34 MTN EUUNI 0.300 11/13/34 MTN EUUNI 0.125 06/10/35 EUUNI 0.100 10/04/40 EUUNI 10/04/30 CMEPD 0.890 07/06/28 MTN CMEPD 07/23/30 MTN EUUNI 11/04/25 EUUNI 07/04/35 EUUNI 0.300 11/04/50 EUUNI 06/02/28 EUUNI 0.200 06/04/36 EUUNI 0.450 05/02/46 EUUNI 03/04/26 EUUNI 0.250 04/22/36 EUUNI 07/04/29 EUUNI 0.750 01/04/47 EUUNI 07/06/26 EUUNI 0.700 07/06/51 EUUNI 07/04/31 EUUNI 0.450 07/04/41 EUUNI 04/22/31 EUUNI 10/04/28 EUUNI 0.40 02/04/2037 EUUNI 0.250 10/22/26 EUUNI 0.875 03/11/37 EUUNI 1.000 07/06/32 EUUNI 1.125 06/04/37 EUUNI 1.250 02/04/43 EUUNI 0.800 07/04/25 EUUNI 1.875 05/25/37 EUUNI 1.625 12/04/29 EUUNI 2.625 02/04/48 EUUNI 2.500 10/04/52 EUUNI 2.125 08/02/40 EUUNI 1.750 08/01/34 EUUNI 2.000 10/04/27 EUUNI 3.375 11/04/42 EUUNI 2.750 02/04/33 EUUNI 3.000 03/04/53 EUUNI 2.750 12/04/37 EUUNI 3.250 07/04/34 EUUNI 2.750 10/05/26 EUUNI 3.375 10/04/38
      FRIDAY, 09/09/2022 - Scope Ratings GmbH
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      Scope affirms the European Union’s and Euratom’s AAA rating with Stable Outlook

      Highly rated Member States, a very strong mandate and institutional setup, high liquidity buffers, excellent capital markets access and preferred creditor status support the rating; challenges relate to significant increases in debt and guarantees.

      Scope Ratings GmbH (Scope) has today affirmed the European Union’s and Euratom’s AAA long-term issuer and senior unsecured foreign-currency ratings, along with a short-term issuer rating of S-1+ in foreign currency. All Outlooks are Stable.

      For the detailed rating report, click here.

      Summary and Outlook

      The AAA rating of the European Union (EU) reflects the supranational’s ‘excellent’ Member support and ‘excellent’ intrinsic strength.

      The rating benefits from the largest European economies being the EU’s highly rated key Member States, with a weighted average rating of AA-; the supranational’s track record of and solid legal basis for receiving timely financial support; and extraordinary support mechanisms, ensuring de facto joint and several support from the EU’s Member States. In addition, the EU’s legally enshrined debt service priority combined with its meaningful budgetary flexibility to delay significant amounts of its annual expenditure provides further investor assurance.

      The EU’s institutional profile is characterised by its record of excellent governance and its irreplaceable mandate for its Member States. Not only is it at the heart of Europe’s Covid-19 response via the SURE and NGEU programmes, but it is also leading the continent’s transition towards a carbon-neutral and climate-resilient economy with up to EUR 250bn green bond programme.

      The EU’s financial profile benefits from a very strong liquidity profile driven by high, prudently managed liquid assets, excellent market access given its global benchmark issuer status, and a diversified funding base. The EU’s high asset quality reflects its direct lending mostly to EU sovereigns, the benefits conferred by its preferred creditor status and the resulting track record of negligible non-performing loans.

      Challenges, which are marginal at the AAA level, relate to an almost tenfold increase in outstanding debt anticipated over the coming years, which will result in higher debt repayments going forward, and a steady increase in outstanding guarantees, mostly to the European Investment Bank (AAA/Stable).

      The Stable Outlook reflects Scope’s assessment of the EU’s financial buffers to withstand shocks. The rating could be downgraded if, individually or collectively: i) highly rated key Member States were downgraded; ii) the EU’s institutional setup weakened; and/or iii) the EU’s liquidity buffers declined.

      Rating rationale

      The first driver of the EU’s AAA rating is its very high Member support.

      The EU’s borrowings are backed by the EU budget, which is mostly financed by GNI-based transfers from EU Member States, customs duties, VAT and a plastic based own resource. The largest European economies – Germany (AAA/Stable), France (AA/Stable), Italy (BBB+/Stable), Spain (A-/Stable), Poland (A+/Negative), the Netherlands (AAA/Stable), Sweden (AAA/Stable) and Belgium (AA-/Stable) – account for around 75%-80% of the EU’s economy, population and GNI-based national budgetary transfers and thus constitute the EU’s key Member States, with a weighted average rating of AA-.

      Scope highlights that the EU’s Member support also includes extraordinary mechanisms that enhance its debt service ability. Debt is usually repaid using the proceeds of repayments from borrowing countries that received back-to-back financing of loans. While this layer of protection will continue to apply to loans provided under the SURE instrument and the NGEU recovery fund, it will not apply to NGEU grants.

      However, in case a borrowing country fails to repay its loan to the EU on time, or, in the case of bonds raised to provide direct grants to Member States via NGEU, ‘the European Parliament, the [European] Council and the [European] Commission shall ensure that the financial means are made available to allow the [European] Union to fulfil its legal obligations in respect of third parties’1. Scope acknowledges this legal debt service priority to third parties, taking into account the budgetary flexibility of the European Commission to delay significant amounts of the EU’s annual expenditure of about EUR 40bn-60bn from the European regional and cohesion funds.

      Moreover, if the EU’s available cash resources were insufficient to service debt, the European Commission would be legally entitled to draw funds from all Member States. In such an adverse event, which Scope deems unlikely, the additional funds ‘shall be divided among the Member States, as far as possible, in proportion to the estimated budget revenue from each of them’2. In addition, Member States are legally obliged to ‘execute the Commission’s payment orders following the Commission’s instructions and within not more than three working days of receipt’3. In Scope’s opinion, this is an exceptionally strong and timely guarantee mechanism, with a de facto joint and several support framework that is unique among supranationals. These considerations provide the EU with a very strong institutional setup that underpins Scope’s assessment of the EU’s excellent member support.

      The second driver of the EU’s AAA rating is its very strong institutional profile.

      This reflects the EU’s excellent governance and irreplaceable mandate for its EU Members, being at the forefront of the EU’s policy design and implementation, including via financial assistance programmes to countries in financial distress, programmes to close Europe’s investment gap, facilitate the recovery from the Covid-19 crisis and foster Europe’s transition to carbon neutrality. In response to the Covid-19 crisis, the EU’s financial activities and liabilities will increase almost tenfold over the coming years to around EUR 950bn, or about 7% of the EU’s GDP, on account of SURE and NGEU. The SURE instrument demonstrates the solidarity among EU Member States. It is the world’s largest social bond programme having raised EUR 91.8bn to date. Funds have been disbursed to 19 Member States since October 2020 to help finance increases in public expenditure to preserve employment related to the Covid-19 shock.

      In addition, at least 37% of the Recovery and Resilience Facility – which accounts for 90% of NGEU – is set for green investments. As a result, at least 30%, or EUR 250bn, of NGEU bond issuance will be directly linked to the objectives of a green and sustainable economic recovery. This will transform the EU into the largest green bond issuer worldwide and underline its commitment to achieving its climate targets. To date, the EU has raised EUR 28bn via green bonds – all based on the EU’s Green Bond Framework, which is aligned with the green bond principles of the International Capital Market Association. Both instruments highlight the exceptional importance of the EU to its Member States and underpin Scope’s assessment of the EU’s very strong institutional profile.

      The third driver underpinning the EU’s AAA rating is its very strong financial profile.

      The EU’s conservative liquidity management and budgetary practices result in high and stable liquid assets. Over the past seven years, the cash balance never dropped below EUR 10bn; the lowest recorded balance was EUR 7.4bn in July 2012. As of June 2022, cash stood at EUR 35.9bn. In addition to the cash balance, Scope’s calculation of the EU’s liquid assets also includes the budgetary margin. This refers to the difference between the maximum resources the EU can draw on from its Member States without the need for any subsequent decision by national authorities (the ‘own resources ceiling’) and the annual payment appropriations for EU expenditure. The own resources ceiling is legally binding, and it has never been reached. Thus, Scope has conservatively adjusted this margin for the pro-rata budgetary contributions of Member States rated AA- or above, currently at around 65%.

      Critically, Member States decided to increase the own resources ceiling from 1.20% of the EU’s estimated GNI to 1.40%, to account for Brexit as well as potential sudden drops of the economy such as the one in 2020 prompted by the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, Member States agreed to set aside a further 0.6pp until 2058 to cover repayment of all liabilities from NGEU borrowings. The total ceiling is thus 2.00% of the EU’s GNI, or about EUR 310bn for 2022.

      The margin between the potential maximum Member State contribution of the EU’s highly rated members and the actual payments for the 2021-27 period – adjusted for ‘other revenues’ that increase the budgetary margin and the share of Member States rated AA- or above – averages around EUR 111bn over 2021-27. Together with the estimated average cash balance of EUR 23.9bna and the NGEU-specific liquidity account of EUR 18bn, this results in liquid assets of around EUR 150bn for 2021-27.

      Conversely, for 2022, Scope estimates the EU’s liabilities maturing within 12 months at around EUR 116bn. This includes bond repayments (EUR 5.1bn) and expected disbursements of EUR 110bn, driven mostly by NGEU (EUR 100bn). Looking ahead, Scope estimates that the EU’s disbursements will remain elevated at around EUR 125bn-150bn each year during the 2021-25 period on account of NGEU assuming full take up of NGEU loans. On this basis, Scope estimates the liquid assets ratio will hover at around 90%-100% during 2021-25. Critically, once these large disbursements are made, the liquidity ratio will again increase gradually to above 150% by 2027, assuming no additional significant disbursements are made for other financial assistance programmes. These liquidity coverage estimates are very conservative however, as, contrary to most other supranationals, the EU does not face contractually binding disbursements and is therefore only committed to disburse funds after they are actually raised.

      Looking further ahead, the EU will gradually repay its outstanding liabilities. Scope estimates that annual bond repayments due each year will likely amount to less than EUR 45bn. This assumes, conservatively, that the EU repays each year the maximum amounts of EUR 10bn under SURE and EUR 29.25bn under NGEU. Actual figures are likely to be lower, however. Still, even this amount can be fully covered by the EU’s liquid assets due to the high cash balances but particularly because the own resources ceiling will remain elevated at 2.00% of the EU’s GNI until all bond repayments for the NGEU programme are made.

      The EU’s financial profile also benefits from its excellent capital markets access. Scope notes that the EU’s debt securities benefit from preferential regulatory treatment as they are: i) designated as Level 1 HQLA assets for liquidity coverage requirements; ii) assigned a 0% regulatory risk weight under the Basel framework; iii) eligible for preferential treatment under Solvency II; and iv) eligible for the European Central Bank’s asset purchase programmes, in addition to enjoying appeal among ESG investors. SURE bonds are classified as social bonds under an ICMA-compliant Social Bond Framework, and about EUR 250bn of the NGEU bonds will be under the ICMA-compliant Green Bond Framework. The EU’s bond issuances for SURE and NGEU have benefited from extraordinary investor demand, being multiple times oversubscribed and resulting in highly favourable funding costs across the yield curve. In fact, the EU’s issuances have recorded the largest-ever order books for a supranational issuer in the euro market, underpinning investor confidence. In this context, Scope also notes the gradual transition away from the ECB as a key investor given the end of its purchase programmes towards other long-term investors, including foreign central banks attracted by the frequent, high volume and positive-yielding EU securities.

      The EU’s financial profile is further supported by its high asset quality and excellent asset performance, reflecting its preferred creditor status and regionally diversified portfolio. The EU’s main risk exposure relates to financial assistance provided via SURE, NGEU and the European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism. Via these programmes, the sovereign exposures to Italy (BBB+/Stable), Portugal (BBB+/Positive), Ireland (AA-/Stable), Spain (A-/Stable), Poland (A+/Negative), Belgium (AA-/Stable) and Greece (BB+/Stable) account for around 85% of the EU’s total direct loan exposure. Based on Scope’s sovereign ratings, this corresponds to a weighted-average borrower quality of around A-. Looking ahead, Scope expects the EU’s asset quality to remain broadly unchanged; however, in the absence of additional loan disbursements, the EU’s country and concentration risk will markedly shift towards Italy starting in 2032, when the repayment of its EUR 122.6bn NGEU loans is scheduled to begin.

      Despite these credit strengths, the EU also faces the following credit challenges:

      First, the EU’s total borrowings are expected to increase almost tenfold due to the SURE and NGEU programmes, to just under EUR 1trn by 2026 from EUR 93.2bn as of end-2020, and EUR 236.7bn as of end-2021. While this will solidify the EU’s position as the world’s largest supranational issuer, strengthen its ambition to create an EU safe asset, and provide Member States with a targeted, timely and temporary counter-cyclical fiscal stimulus to facilitate the economic recovery from the Covid-19 shock, it also implies that future EU budgets will need to address significantly higher annual debt repayments.

      Second, the EU’s ultimate credit risk also includes guarantees provided to: i) the European Investment Bank (EIB); ii) the European Fund for Sustainable Development (EFSD), with guarantees totalling EUR 1.5bn, and its successor programme EFSD+, with guarantees of EUR 13.1bn (for the non-EIB related exposure); and iii) the InvestEU programme, with guarantees of EUR 26.2bn. Guarantees to the EIB relate to its activities: i) outside of the EU, with a guarantee ceiling of EUR 33.0bn as of 2021, which covers, in particular, the high exposure to Turkey (B-/Negative); and ii) classified under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), with a guarantee ceiling of EUR 26bn on the EIB’s related investments, which are, on average, riskier than the traditional risk profile of the EIB’s portfolio.

      Scope highlights that the overall size of guarantees has increased substantially since 2015 to around EUR 60bn at end-2021 on account of the EFSI and that they will continue to rise over the coming years to around EUR 90bn, driven by the InvestEU and EFSD+ programmes. Still, Scope notes that the risk borne by the EU budget is significantly curtailed by the assets of the related guarantee funds, which are combined in the Common Provisioning Fund. As of end-2021, the Guarantee Fund for External Actions had assets of EUR 2.7bn, the EFSI Guarantee Fund had EUR 8.5bn, the EFSD guarantee fund had EUR 804m, InvestEU had EUR 300m (set to increase to EUR 10.5bn), while EFSD+ will be provisioned for with EUR 6.5bn. These assets result in a high provisioning rate for the comparatively new programmes, which would absorb any losses before resources would need to be drawn from the EU budget. In addition, Scope notes positively: i) the track record of very low annual default payments, which to date have never exceeded EUR 110m in a given year; and ii) the EU’s conservative financial management, including ample liquidity buffers and upfront provisioning of the guarantee funds.

      Finally, exposures to Ukraine (CC/Negative) conducted since the start of the Russia-Ukraine war are exceptionally provisioned for at a very high 70%. The EU’s direct loan exposure amounts to EUR 6.6bn as of August 2022 and an additional EUR 4.2bn via its guarantee to the EIB. Given the prevailing framework with the External Action Guarantee ceiling of EUR 53.5bn, the financing of the reconstruction of Ukraine will necessitate a dedicated facility beyond the MFA programme.

      Factoring of environment, social and governance (ESG)

      Scope considers ESG sustainability issues during the rating process as reflected in its supranational methodology. ESG factors are explicitly captured in Scope’s assessment of the institutional profile, which Scope assesses as ‘very strong’ for the EU.

      Scope’s supranational scorecard

      Scope’s supranational scorecard, which is based on clearly defined quantitative parameters, provides an indicative AAA rating for the EU. Additional considerations allow Scope to incorporate idiosyncratic characteristics that cannot be assessed in a consistent and comprehensive manner across all supranationals, but which may still affect the creditworthiness of the issuer.

      For the EU, no additional considerations have been identified.

      A rating committee has discussed and confirmed these results.

      For further details, please see Appendix II of the rating report.

      a. This estimate is based on the average cash balance for the 2019-21 period.

      Rating committee
      The main points discussed were: i) institutional profile; ii) financial profile, including asset quality, liquidity and funding; iii) member state support; iv) additional considerations; and viii) consideration of peers.

      Rating driver references
      1.  Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Article 323
      2.  Article 14 (4) of the Council Regulation (EU, Euratom) No. 609/2014
      3.  Article 15 (1) of the Council Regulation (EU, Euratom) No. 609/2014

      The methodology used for these Credit Ratings and/or Outlooks, (Supranational Rating Methodology, 11 August 2022), is available on
      Information on the meaning of each Credit Rating category, including definitions of default, recoveries, Outlooks and Under Review, can be viewed in ‘Rating Definitions – Credit Ratings, Ancillary and Other Services’, published on Historical default rates of the entities rated by Scope Ratings can be viewed in the Credit Rating performance report at Also refer to the central platform (CEREP) of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA): A comprehensive clarification of Scope Ratings’ definitions of default and Credit Rating notations can be found at Guidance and information on how environmental, social or governance factors (ESG factors) are incorporated into the Credit Rating can be found in the respective sections of the methodologies or guidance documents provided on
      The Outlook indicates the most likely direction of the Credit Ratings if the Credit Ratings were to change within the next 12 to 18 months. 

      Solicitation, key sources and quality of information
      The Rated Entity and/or its Related Third Parties participated in the Credit Rating process.
      The following substantially material sources of information were used to prepare the Credit Ratings: public domain and the Rated Entity.
      Scope Ratings considers the quality of information available to Scope Ratings on the Rated Entity or instrument to be satisfactory. The information and data supporting these Credit Ratings originate from sources Scope Ratings considers to be reliable and accurate. Scope Ratings does not, however, independently verify the reliability and accuracy of the information and data.
      Prior to the issuance of the Credit Rating action, the Rated Entity was given the opportunity to review the Credit Ratings and/or Outlooks and the principal grounds on which the Credit Ratings and/or Outlooks are based. Following that review, the Credit Ratings were not amended before being issued.

      Regulatory disclosures
      These Credit Ratings and/or Outlooks are issued by Scope Ratings GmbH, Lennéstraße 5, D-10785 Berlin, Tel +49 30 27891-0. The Credit Ratings and/or Outlooks are UK-endorsed.
      Lead analyst: Alvise Lennkh-Yunus, Executive Director
      Person responsible for approval of the Credit Ratings: Dr Giacomo Barisone, Managing Director
      The Credit Ratings/Outlookswere first released by Scope Ratings on 1 February 2019. The Credit Ratings/Outlooks were last updated on 1 October 2021.

      Potential conflicts
      See under Governance & Policies/EU Regulation/Disclosures for a list of potential conflicts of interest related to the issuance of Credit Ratings.

      Conditions of use / exclusion of liability
      © 2022 Scope SE & Co. KGaA and all its subsidiaries including Scope Ratings GmbH, Scope Ratings UK Limited, Scope Fund Analysis GmbH, Scope Innovation Lab GmbH and Scope ESG Analysis GmbH (collectively, Scope). All rights reserved. The information and data supporting Scope’s ratings, rating reports, rating opinions and related research and credit opinions originate from sources Scope considers to be reliable and accurate. Scope does not, however, independently verify the reliability and accuracy of the information and data. Scope’s ratings, rating reports, rating opinions, or related research and credit opinions are provided ‘as is’ without any representation or warranty of any kind. In no circumstance shall Scope or its directors, officers, employees and other representatives be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, incidental or other damages, expenses of any kind, or losses arising from any use of Scope’s ratings, rating reports, rating opinions, related research or credit opinions. Ratings and other related credit opinions issued by Scope are, and have to be viewed by any party as, opinions on relative credit risk and not a statement of fact or recommendation to purchase, hold or sell securities. Past performance does not necessarily predict future results. Any report issued by Scope is not a prospectus or similar document related to a debt security or issuing entity. Scope issues credit ratings and related research and opinions with the understanding and expectation that parties using them will assess independently the suitability of each security for investment or transaction purposes. Scope’s credit ratings address relative credit risk, they do not address other risks such as market, liquidity, legal, or volatility. The information and data included herein is protected by copyright and other laws. To reproduce, transmit, transfer, disseminate, translate, resell, or store for subsequent use for any such purpose the information and data contained herein, contact Scope Ratings GmbH at Lennéstraße 5 D-10785 Berlin.

      CMEPD 0.750 05/04/27 MTN CMEPD 11/26/24 FRN MTN EUUNI 1.250 04/04/33 MTN EUUNI 0.500 04/04/25 MTN EUUNI 1.250 07/20/32 MTN EUUNI 0.750 04/04/31 MTN EUUNI 1.125 04/04/36 MTN EUUNI 1.125 12/01/28 MTN EUUNI 0.625 11/04/23 MTN EUUNI 1.500 10/04/35 MTN EUUNI 0.490 05/04/27 MTN EUUNI 0.519 04/04/30 MTN EUUNI 0.519 04/04/29 MTN EUUNI 0.519 04/04/28 MTN EUUNI 0.519 04/04/27 MTN EUUNI 0.519 04/04/26 MTN EUUNI 0.770 12/04/27 MTN EUUNI 0.770 12/04/26 MTN EUUNI 0.770 12/04/29 MTN EUUNI 0.770 12/04/28 MTN EUUNI 0.770 12/04/25 MTN EUUNI 1.375 10/04/29 MTN EUUNI 1.875 04/04/24 MTN EUUNI 2.000 02/10/23 MTN EUUNI 2.500 11/04/27 MTN EUUNI 2.875 04/04/28 MTN EUUNI 3.375 04/04/38 MTN EUUNI 3.375 04/04/32 MTN EUUNI 3.750 04/04/42 MTN EUUNI 3.000 09/04/26 MTN EUUNI 2.875 10/20/25 MTN EUUNI 0.500 12/04/35 MTN EUUNI 0.200 04/18/34 MTN EUUNI 0.300 11/13/34 MTN EUUNI 0.125 06/10/35 EUUNI 0.100 10/04/40 EUUNI 10/04/30 CMEPD 0.890 07/06/28 MTN CMEPD 07/23/30 MTN EUUNI 11/04/25 EUUNI 07/04/35 EUUNI 0.300 11/04/50 EUUNI 06/02/28 EUUNI 0.200 06/04/36 EUUNI 0.450 05/02/46 EUUNI 03/04/26 EUUNI 0.250 04/22/36 EUUNI 07/04/29 EUUNI 0.750 01/04/47 EUUNI 07/06/26 EUUNI 0.700 07/06/51 EUUNI 07/04/31 EUUNI 0.450 07/04/41 EUUNI 04/22/31 EUUNI 10/04/28 EUUNI 0.40 02/04/2037 EUUNI 0.250 10/22/26 EUUNI 0.875 03/11/37 EUUNI 1.000 07/06/32 EUUNI 1.125 06/04/37 EUUNI 1.250 02/04/43 EUUNI 0.800 07/04/25 EUUNI 1.875 05/25/37 EUUNI 1.625 12/04/29 EUUNI 2.625 02/04/48 EUUNI 2.500 10/04/52 EUUNI 2.125 08/02/40 EUUNI 1.750 08/01/34 EUUNI 2.000 10/04/27 EUUNI 3.375 11/04/42 EUUNI 2.750 02/04/33 EUUNI 3.000 03/04/53 EUUNI 2.750 12/04/37 EUUNI 3.250 07/04/34 EUUNI 2.750 10/05/26 EUUNI 3.375 10/04/38

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