
29/10/2021 Rating announcement EN
Scope downgrades PR Aircraft Finance S.A. – Compartment 1 to BB-
The downgrade to BB- is a result of Covid-19's severe impact on airlines' credit quality, aircraft values, early repayment of a large facility and the significant deterioration of the credit quality of another large facility.

30/4/2021 Monitoring note EN
Scope has completed a monitoring review for PR Aircraft Finance S.A. - Compartment 1
Scope has taken no action on PR Aircraft S.A. - Compartment 1 (PR Aircraft) following a monitoring review. The notes issued by PR Aircraft continue to be rated BB under review developing.

27/10/2020 Rating announcement EN
Scope downgrades PR Aircraft Finance S.A. – Compartment 1 to BB under review developing
The downgrade to BB under review developing is a result of Covid-19's severe impact on airlines' credit quality, aircraft values, and lease payments deferrals, which in turn reduce excess spread on the portfolio.

28/4/2020 Rating announcement EN
Scope downgrades PR Aircraft Finance S.A. – Compartment 1 to BBB+, keeps review for downgrade
The downgrade to BBB+ is due to increased credit risk from the newly added loans and the Covid-19 crisis. The rating is under review for downgrade because the long-term impact from Covid-19 on airline traffic and aircraft values is still developing.

5/12/2019 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms A- rating on PR Aircraft Finance S.A. - Compartment 1
The affirmation reflects the performance of the portfolio in line with expectations and the average quality of the assets. The quality of all new asset aquisitions was in line with the investment criteria.

30/8/2019 Rating announcement EN
Scope lifts review for downgrade from PR Aircraft Finance SA - Compartment 1
Scope Ratings has removed the review for downgrade on the A- rating of PR Aircraft Finance S.A. -Compartment 1. Scope has found no evidence that Boeing aircraft values have been significantly affected by the B737Max issues.

2/5/2019 Rating announcement EN
Scope places PR Aircraft Finance S.A. - Compartment 1's A- rating under review for downgrade
Scope announces that it will review the rating of PR Aircraft Finance S.A. - Compartment 1 as soon as it can assess the effect of manufacturing quality concerns on Boeing aircraft market values, which could result in a downgrade.

7/12/2018 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms A- rating on PR Aircraft Finance S.A. - Compartment 1
The affirmation reflects the good performance of the portfolio and the average quality of the assets in the portfolio. The quality of all new asset aquisitions was in line with the investment criteria and had a marginally positive impact on the rating.