
16/9/2020 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms and withdraws B+/Stable issuer rating on FCR Immobilien AG
The affirmation reflects leverage remaining high at above 65%, partially mitigated by the addition of income-producing assets that are likely to support EBITDA interest cover going forward. The rating has been subsequently withdrawn for business reasons.

11/9/2019 Rating announcement DE
Scope bestätigt B+ Rating der FCR Immobilien AG, Ausblick Stabil
Ratingbestätigung trotz der früher als erwartet gestiegenen Verschuldung, da deren Anstieg durch die Akquisition vermieteter Immobilien, welche zur zukünftigen Stabilisierung der EBITDA Zinsdeckung beitragen, aus Kreditsicht teilweise aufgefangen wird.

11/9/2019 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms B+ issuer rating of FCR Immobilien AG, Outlook Stable
Although FCR’s leverage has increased earlier than expected, the rise is partially mitigated by the addition of income-producing assets which provide more certainty on the improving stability of EBITDA interest cover going forward.
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