

      Instrument data
      Senior Unsecured
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      Maturity date
      B+ Outlook: None
      B+ Outlook: None
      Latest change
      General information
      With issuer participation
      UK endorsed
      EU Rated
      Eugenio Piliego Lead analyst
      Philipp Wass Committee chair
      Scope affirms Hell Energy’s B+/Positive issuer rating

      20/12/2024 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms Hell Energy’s B+/Positive issuer rating

      The affirmation reflects an unchanged moderate business risk profile, constrained by improving but still weak credit metrics after large expansionary capex cycle.

      Scope affirms Hell Energy’s B+ rating and revises Outlook to Positive

      19/12/2023 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms Hell Energy’s B+ rating and revises Outlook to Positive

      The Positive Outlook reflects the start of deleveraging following a heavy investment phase and the improving margins after an expansionary strategy in an inflationary environment.

      Scope affirms Hell Energy’s B+/Stable issuer rating

      18/4/2023 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms Hell Energy’s B+/Stable issuer rating

      The affirmation reflects resilient preliminary operating results in 2022 that balanced increased working capital financing needs. Leverage remains high due to the ongoing debt-funded investment plan that the company is executing to boost output.

      Scope affirms Hell Energy’s B+/Stable rating

      7/7/2022 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms Hell Energy’s B+/Stable rating

      The rating action reflects strong operating cash flow and increased leverage in line with the rating case due to a debt-funded investment plan that the company started implementing to boost output.

      Scope downgrades issuer rating of Hell Energy Magyarország Kft to B+/Stable from BB/Stable

      20/7/2021 Rating announcement EN

      Scope downgrades issuer rating of Hell Energy Magyarország Kft to B+/Stable from BB/Stable

      The rating action reflects higher leverage due to the largely debt-funded investment plan that the company will implement between 2021-2023.

      Scope assigns first-time issuer rating of BB to Hell Energy Magyarország Kft.

      8/11/2019 Rating announcement EN

      Scope assigns first-time issuer rating of BB to Hell Energy Magyarország Kft.

      Scope has assigned a BB first-time issuer rating to Hungarian company Hell Energy. Senior unsecured debt is also rated BB. The Outlook on the issuer rating is Stable.

      Date Title