
2/5/2024 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms the Class A1 Guaranteed secured securities issued by Virtuo Finance SARL
Scope Ratings has today affirmed the BBB rating of the USD 84.5m Class A1 securities issued by Virtuo Finance SARL, maturing in 2041. The financing covers six operational photovoltaic power plants with a total capacity of 300MW located near Benban, Egypt.

9/5/2023 Rating announcement EN
Scope downgrades the Class A1 Guaranteed secured securities issued by Virtuo Finance SARL
Scope Ratings GmbH downgrades the USD 84.5m Class A1 Guaranteed securities issued by Virtuo Finance SARL (the Benban solar project). The downgrade reflects the weakening business environment in Egypt and the significant devaluation of the Egyptian pound.

18/5/2022 Rating announcement EN
Scope assigns BBB+ to the Class A1 Guaranteed securities issued by Virtuo Finance SARL
Scope Ratings has today assigned a final BBB+ rating to the USD 84.5m Class A1 Guaranteed securities issued by Virtuo Finance SARL maturing in March 2041. The bonds are intended to refinance the existing debt of a brownfield Egyptian photovoltaic plant.

18/3/2022 Rating announcement EN
Scope assigns (P)BBB+ to the Class A1 Guaranteed securities to be issued by Virtuo Finance SARL
Scope Ratings has today assigned a (P)BBB+ rating to the USD 86m Class A1 Guaranteed securities to be issued by Virtuo Finance SARL maturing in March 2041. The bonds are intended to refinance the existing debt of a brownfield Egyptian photovoltaic plant.