
23/5/2023 Rating announcement EN
Scope upgrades to BB from B+ the Senior Unsecured Bonds issued by PolSolar Ktf
Scope Ratings GmbH has today upgraded the ratings to the HUF 70.7bn senior unsecured bonds issued by PolSolar Kft and maturing in April 2037. The bonds have financed the construction of five greenfield photovoltaic plants in Hungary.

2/5/2022 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms its B+ rating on the Senior Unsecured Bonds issued by PolSolar Kft
Scope Ratings has today affirmed its B+ rating on the HUF 70.7bn senior unsecured bonds issued by PolSolar Kft and maturing in April 2037. The bonds will finance the construction of five greenfield Hungarian photovoltaic plants.

14/4/2022 Rating announcement EN
Scope assigns B+ to the Senior Unsecured Bonds to be issued by PolSolar Kft
Scope Ratings has today assigned a B+ rating to the HUF 64.5bn senior unsecured bonds to be issued by PolSolar Kft and maturing in April 2037. The bonds will finance the construction of five greenfield Hungarian photovoltaic plants.
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