

      Scope has completed a monitoring review for the Republic of Ireland

      14/2/2025 Monitoring note EN

      Scope has completed a monitoring review for the Republic of Ireland

      The periodic review has resulted in no rating action.

      Scope upgrades Ireland’s long-term credit ratings to AA and changes the Outlook to Stable

      23/8/2024 Rating announcement EN

      Scope upgrades Ireland’s long-term credit ratings to AA and changes the Outlook to Stable

      Strong public finances and robust economic growth drive the upgrade. High reliance on multinational corporations and exposure to global shocks as a small, open and financially interconnected economy remain challenges.

      Scope has completed a monitoring review for the Republic of Ireland

      8/3/2024 Monitoring note EN

      Scope has completed a monitoring review for the Republic of Ireland

      The periodic review has resulted in no rating action.

      Scope has completed a monitoring review on the Republic of Ireland

      15/9/2023 Monitoring note EN

      Scope has completed a monitoring review on the Republic of Ireland

      The periodic review has resulted in no rating action.

      Scope affirms Ireland's credit ratings at AA-; Outlook revised to Positive

      31/3/2023 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms Ireland's credit ratings at AA-; Outlook revised to Positive

      Strong economic growth and resilient public finances, including falling government debt, drive the Outlook revision. Elevated public debt, high reliance on multinational corporations and exposure to global shocks as a small, open economy are challenges.

      Scope takes no action on the Republic of Ireland

      7/10/2022 Monitoring note EN

      Scope takes no action on the Republic of Ireland

      Monitoring review announcement

      Scope affirms Ireland's credit ratings at AA- with a Stable Outlook

      22/4/2022 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms Ireland's credit ratings at AA- with a Stable Outlook

      A wealthy and competitive economy, robust public finances, and strong institutions support the ratings. High public debt levels, high dependence on multinational corporations, and exposure to global shocks as a small, open economy are challenges.

      Scope takes no action on the Republic of Ireland's AA- ratings

      5/11/2021 Monitoring note EN

      Scope takes no action on the Republic of Ireland's AA- ratings

      Monitoring review announcement

      Scope upgrades the Republic of Ireland’s ratings to AA-; Outlook revised to Stable

      21/5/2021 Rating announcement EN

      Scope upgrades the Republic of Ireland’s ratings to AA-; Outlook revised to Stable

      Reductions in external risks, enhanced resilience of the banking system and expectation for post-crisis fiscal consolidation support upgrade. Still high public- and private-debt stocks and economic susceptibility to reversal are ratings constraints.

      Scope takes no action on the Republic of Ireland's A+ ratings

      18/12/2020 Monitoring note EN

      Scope takes no action on the Republic of Ireland's A+ ratings

      No action has been taken on the Republic of Ireland following a monitoring review.