

      Scope has completed a monitoring review on the Kingdom of Spain

      21/2/2025 Monitoring note EN

      Scope has completed a monitoring review on the Kingdom of Spain

      The periodic review has resulted in no rating action.

      Scope upgrades Spain’s long-term credit ratings to A and changes the Outlook to Stable

      6/9/2024 Rating announcement EN

      Scope upgrades Spain’s long-term credit ratings to A and changes the Outlook to Stable

      Strengthened economic sustainability and sustained fiscal consolidation drive the upgrade. Elevated unemployment, structural budget pressures related to ageing expenditures, and still-high public debt are constraints.

      Scope affirms Spain’s credit ratings at A-, revises the Outlook to Positive

      22/3/2024 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms Spain’s credit ratings at A-, revises the Outlook to Positive

      Enhanced economic resilience and strengthening fiscal fundamentals drive the Outlook revision. High public debt, elevated unemployment, and structural budget pressure related to ageing expenditure are constraints.

      Scope affirms the Kingdom of Spain's credit ratings at A- and maintains the Stable Outlook

      6/10/2023 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms the Kingdom of Spain's credit ratings at A- and maintains the Stable Outlook

      A large and diversified economy, favourable debt profile and euro area membership support the ratings. High public debt, elevated unemployment and structural budget pressure are constraints.

      Scope has completed a monitoring review for the Kingdom of Spain

      21/4/2023 Monitoring note EN

      Scope has completed a monitoring review for the Kingdom of Spain

      Monitoring review announcement

      Scope affirms Spain's credit ratings at A- with Stable Outlook

      11/11/2022 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms Spain's credit ratings at A- with Stable Outlook

      A large and diversified economy, favourable debt profile and euro area membership support the ratings. High public debt, elevated structural unemployment, weak productivity gains and structural budget pressures are constraints.

      Scope affirms Spain's credit ratings at A- with a Stable Outlook

      27/5/2022 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms Spain's credit ratings at A- with a Stable Outlook

      A resilient economic recovery and a strong institutional environment support the ratings. High public debt levels and elevated unemployment are constraints.

      Scope takes no action on the Kingdom of Spain

      3/12/2021 Monitoring note EN

      Scope takes no action on the Kingdom of Spain

      No action has been taken on the Kingdom of Spain following a monitoring review.

      Scope revises Outlook on Spain’s A- rating to Stable

      16/7/2021 Rating announcement EN

      Scope revises Outlook on Spain’s A- rating to Stable

      The improving economic outlook, reform momentum, EU monetary and fiscal support and relative government stability drive the Outlook change. High public and external debt and weak demographics, curbing growth and fiscal consolidation, are challenges.

      Scope takes no action on the Kingdom of Spain

      5/2/2021 Monitoring note EN

      Scope takes no action on the Kingdom of Spain

      No action has been taken on the Kingdom of Spain following a monitoring review.