
24/9/2024 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms Unix Autó’s issuer rating at BB/Stable
Strengths are good operating profitability, resilient business operations, market dominance and a very low leverage. Constraints are size, geographical diversification and the focus on a single product category which is considered cyclical.

4/10/2023 Rating announcement EN
Scope upgrades Unix Autó’s issuer rating to BB/Stable from BB-/Positive
The upgrade reflects Unix Autó’s moderate deleveraging and strong interest cover that has led to an improved financial risk profile. Its discretionary retail business has also been performing well.

9/5/2022 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms Unix Autó’s BB- issuer rating and changes Outlook to Stable from Negative
The Outlook change reflects the improved profitability despite weaker demand after the pandemic. The rating remains constrained by the execution risk of ongoing investments and the increased capex plan.

27/8/2019 Rating announcement EN
Scope assigns initial BB-/Stable issuer rating to Unix Auto Kft
The rating is supported by the company’s leading position in Hungary in terms of market shares and product range. Declining profitability and the prospect of higher investment levels and weaker credit metrics are current constraints.