
15/8/2024 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms Bonafarm and Pick Szeged’s BB/Stable ratings
The rating continues to reflect Bonafarm’s moderate business risk and financial risk profiles, despite increasing leverage. Pick Szeged’s rating continues to be based on the unconditional and irrevocable guarantee of its parent Bonafarm.

17/8/2023 Rating announcement EN
Scope upgrades Bonafarm Zrt.’s issuer rating to BB from BB- with Stable Outlook
The rating action reflects Scope’s view that Bonafarm’s credit metrics can be maintained on the very good level attained in 2022, despite its ambition to significantly upscale capital expenditures.

23/8/2022 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms Bonafarm Zrt. issuer rating of BB- and changes Outlook to Stable
Improved profitability by the group’s two top Hungarian brands supports the rating ahead of significant pressure on cost base and soaring food inflation. The large capex programme remains delayed, resulting in temporarily better metrics.

17/9/2021 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms Bonafarm Zrt. issuer rating of BB- and raises Outlook to Positive
Improved profitability through pricing power afforded by the group’s two top Hungarian brands supports the rating, although the group is still vulnerable to price swings. The large capex programme is delayed due to a revision of overall investment plans.

21/9/2020 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms Bonafarm Csoport at BB-/Stable, senior unsecured debt affirmed at BB-
Improved growth, supported by strong positioning, support the rating, but with continued vulnerability to price swings. The large, planned capex programme has been delayed due to revision of overall investment planning.