
15/11/2021 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms and withdraws B+/Stable issuer rating of Budapesti Ingatlan Nyrt.
The affirmation reflects relatively strong credit metrics, including low leverage and adequate debt protection. The company's small size and concentrated portfolio remain the main constraints. The rating has been withdrawn for business reasons.

24/11/2020 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms B+/Stable issuer rating of Budapesti Ingatlan Nyrt.
The affirmation is driven by BIF's relatively strong credit metrics, including low leverage and adequate debt protection measures. The rating continues to be held back by the company's small size and limited tenant and geographic diversification.

18/11/2019 Rating announcement EN
Scope assigns first time issuer rating of B+ to Budapesti Ingatlan Nyrt., Outlook Stable
The issuer rating is driven by BIF's relatively strong credit metrics resulting from a predominantely equity-financed portfolio and strong liquidity. The rating is held back by the company's small size and limited tenant and geographic diversification.*