

      Scope has completed a monitoring review for Wellis Magyarország Zrt.

      1/8/2024 Monitoring note EN

      Scope has completed a monitoring review for Wellis Magyarország Zrt.

      The periodic review has resulted in no rating action.

      Scope places Wellis Magyarország Zrt.’s B- issuer rating under review for possible downgrade

      3/5/2024 Rating announcement EN

      Scope places Wellis Magyarország Zrt.’s B- issuer rating under review for possible downgrade

      The rating action reflects the possibility of a rating-related covenant breach, which needs to be resolved by the end of a grace period that expires in October 2024.

      Scope affirms issuer rating of Wellis Magyarország at B-/Negative

      20/10/2023 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms issuer rating of Wellis Magyarország at B-/Negative

      The rating action reflects the successful refinancing of bank loans and the gradual recovery of operating profitability despite credit metrics remaining weak.

      Scope has completed a monitoring review for Wellis

      3/3/2023 Monitoring note EN

      Scope has completed a monitoring review for Wellis

      No action has been taken on the B-/Negative issuer rating of Wellis Magyarország Zrt. following a monitoring review.

      Scope downgrades Wellis Magyarország Zrt.’s issuer rating to B-/Negative

      20/10/2022 Rating announcement EN

      Scope downgrades Wellis Magyarország Zrt.’s issuer rating to B-/Negative

      A deterioration of the financial risk profile drives the downgrade as weaker operational profitability and an increased need for external working capital financing cause leverage to increase.

      Scope places Wellis Magyarország Zrt.’s issuer rating of BB- under review for a possible downgrade

      21/7/2022 Rating announcement EN

      Scope places Wellis Magyarország Zrt.’s issuer rating of BB- under review for a possible downgrade

      The rating action reflects greater uncertainty following the announcement of plans for a corporate reorganisation, made necessary by the challenging business environment.

      Scope has completed a monitoring review for Wellis Magyarország Zrt.

      5/1/2022 Monitoring note EN

      Scope has completed a monitoring review for Wellis Magyarország Zrt.

      Scope has taken no action on the ratings of Wellis Magyarország Zrt. The decision incorporates higher than anticipated increase in operating profitability, but also negative expected FOCF.

      Scope assigns BB-/Stable issuer rating for Hungarian Wellis Magyarország Zrt.

      22/1/2021 Rating announcement EN

      Scope assigns BB-/Stable issuer rating for Hungarian Wellis Magyarország Zrt.

      The ratings are primarily driven by the company's robust diversification and operating profit growth but constrained by execution risks and its limited size.