

      Scope affirms BBB/Stable issuer rating on Schouw & Co.

      5/9/2024 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms BBB/Stable issuer rating on Schouw & Co.

      A good financial risk profile, diversified services, and the size and market position of BioMar support the rating. Moderate profitability and high exposures to the salmon feed segment as well as businesses with small market shares constrain the rating.

      Scope assigns issuer rating of BBB/Stable to Schouw & Co

      5/9/2023 Rating announcement EN

      Scope assigns issuer rating of BBB/Stable to Schouw & Co

      Good credit metrics, diversified services, and the size and market position of the subsidiary BioMar support the rating. Low profitability and high exposures to the salmon feed segment and to businesses with low market shares constrain the rating.