
22/3/2024 Rating announcement EN
Scope assigns SD to IB Invest; reinstates C rating and places it under review for possible upgrade
Scope assigned Ilija Batljan Invest an issuer rating of SD and a senior unsecured bond rating of D, following a bond restructuring. Subsequently, the issuer and senior unsecured bond ratings were reinstated at C, placed under review for a possible upgrade

11/9/2023 Rating announcement EN
Scope downgrades Ilija Batljan Invest to CCC/Negative from BB+/under review for possible downgrade
Ilija Batljan Invest’s portfolio’s significantly reduced market values coupled with liquidity and governance concerns drive the downgrade, which concludes a period of the ratings being under review.

7/6/2023 Rating announcement EN
Scope downgrades Ilija Batljan Invest AB’s debt ratings, places ratings under review for downgrade*
The under-review status is driven by the strategic review pursued by the issuer’s core holding, SBB. Uncertainties bound to the strategic review have also led to weaker recovery expectations, prompting Scope to downgrade all issue ratings.

15/5/2023 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms Ilija Batljan Invest AB’s BB+ issuer rating; changes Outlook to Negative from Stable
Ilija Batljan Invest's dominant core holding SBB i Norden has proposed a postponement of dividends, increasing uncertainty for the company as total cost coverage temporarily falls below 1x.