

      Scope assigns AA+ ratings to debt issuances of Ferde AS guaranteed by Vestland

      3/3/2025 Rating announcement EN

      Scope assigns AA+ ratings to debt issuances of Ferde AS guaranteed by Vestland

      The issuances' ratings are supported by a guarantee from Vestland County Municipality and are therefore aligned with Vestland's AA+/Stable ratings.

      Scope assigns AAA ratings to debt issuances of Ferde AS guaranteed by Rogaland

      10/2/2025 Rating announcement EN

      Scope assigns AAA ratings to debt issuances of Ferde AS guaranteed by Rogaland

      The issuances' ratings are supported by a guarantee from Rogaland County Municipality and are therefore aligned with Rogaland's AAA/Stable ratings.

      Scope assigns a long-term issuer rating of AA+ with Stable Outlook to Ferde AS.

      25/11/2024 Rating announcement EN

      Scope assigns a long-term issuer rating of AA+ with Stable Outlook to Ferde AS.

      Strong integration with its owning counties, high strategic importance in regional development, a strong market position, and resilient toll revenue are strengths. High leverage and significant capital expenditure are challenges.