

      Structured Finance Activity Report: negative ratings drift continues to recede

      1/7/2024 Research EN

      Structured Finance Activity Report: negative ratings drift continues to recede

      The persistent negative rating drift in place between the fourth quarter of 2021 and third quarter of 2023 continues to recede. The upward shift is mainly due to reduced rating pressure on CRE/CMBS and secured NPL transactions.

      Scope proposes an update to its Government Related Entities Rating Methodology and invites comments

      28/6/2024 Research EN

      Scope proposes an update to its Government Related Entities Rating Methodology and invites comments

      Scope Ratings calls for comments on its Government Related Entities Rating Methodology by 29 July 2024. The proposed update refines Scope’s analytical approach. No rating changes are expected as a result of this update.

      Senior noteholder losses on Maroon unlikely to trigger domino effect in European CMBS

      27/6/2024 Research EN

      Senior noteholder losses on Maroon unlikely to trigger domino effect in European CMBS

      Losses to senior noteholders of the Elizabeth Finance 2018 CMBS resulting from the sale price of the properties securing the Maroon loan was an idiosyncratic outcome. It may not be a unique outlier but will not trigger wider market turbulence.

      Italian NPLs: indemnities do not fully protect issuers

      24/6/2024 Research EN

      Italian NPLs: indemnities do not fully protect issuers

      Lower than expected indemnity proceeds and long indemnity processes have led to recovery shortfalls in most Italian NPL transactions so far.

      French banks: uncertain policy agenda casts shadow over drive to improve profitability

      24/6/2024 Research EN

      French banks: uncertain policy agenda casts shadow over drive to improve profitability

      Heightened policy uncertainty in France and the threat of political instability after parliamentary elections have exposed the country’s banks to significant market volatility and challenged their ability to improve profitability relative to peers.

      Scope publishes updated supranational methodology following call for comments

      21/6/2024 Research EN

      Scope publishes updated supranational methodology following call for comments

      Scope has published the final version of its supranational methodology together with a feedback report addressing market participants’ comments. The methodology update, which follows a call for comments released on 10 May 2024, has no rating impact.

      Global economic update: soft landing reinforces prospect of higher-for-longer interest rates

      19/6/2024 Research EN

      Global economic update: soft landing reinforces prospect of higher-for-longer interest rates

      A sustained period of higher interest rates will present a challenge for many borrowers worldwide, as economies adapt to a new era of comparatively tight monetary policy amid a recovery in growth and enduring inflation.

      Italian NPL collections: extrajudicial proceeds on seasoned transactions projected to fall sharply

      19/6/2024 Research EN

      Italian NPL collections: extrajudicial proceeds on seasoned transactions projected to fall sharply

      Italian NPL collections of EUR 185m in April 2024 were 13% down month-on-month and below the average of April collections in the last two years. The most seasoned transactions show a significant decline in DPOs and notes sales.

      Scope publishes final rating methodology on European Utilities

      17/6/2024 Research EN

      Scope publishes final rating methodology on European Utilities

      The methodology is now final following a call-for-comments period and will apply to all issuer and debt ratings of corporates in the sector. The application of the updated methodology will not trigger any rating changes.

      Belgium: nationalist parties raise risk of political gridlock and deterioration of fiscal outlook

      14/6/2024 Research EN

      Belgium: nationalist parties raise risk of political gridlock and deterioration of fiscal outlook

      Strong momentum behind the Flemish nationalists and separatists in Belgium’s federal election aggravates political fragmentation and polarization. It complicates forming a new government and the consolidation of public finances, a key credit challenge.