

      Updated rating report on OTP Bank

      3/12/2024 Monitoring note EN

      Updated rating report on OTP Bank

      Scope Ratings has updated its rating report on OTP Bank, rated BBB+ with Stable Outlook.

      Scope affirms OTP Bank’s BBB+ issuer rating with Stable Outlook

      22/11/2024 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms OTP Bank’s BBB+ issuer rating with Stable Outlook

      Rating affirmation reflects the group’s robust operating performance and strong prudential metrics.

      Scope affirms OTP Bank's BBB+ issuer rating and changes the Outlook to Stable from Negative

      28/11/2023 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms OTP Bank's BBB+ issuer rating and changes the Outlook to Stable from Negative

      The change in Outlook reflects the ongoing resilience of the group's operating performance and the declining exposure to Hungarian sovereign risk.

      Scope affirms OTP Bank's BBB+ issuer rating, changes Outlook to Negative from Stable

      6/12/2022 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms OTP Bank's BBB+ issuer rating, changes Outlook to Negative from Stable

      The change in Outlook is driven by the weakening macroeconomic conditions in the CEE region and the group's high exposure to growing sovereign risk.

      Scope affirms BBB+ issuer rating on OTP Bank with Stable Outlook

      9/3/2022 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms BBB+ issuer rating on OTP Bank with Stable Outlook

      The affirmation reflects Scope's expectation that OTP will be able to manage the impacts from the turmoil in Eastern Europe.

      Scope rates OTP Bank at BBB+/Stable

      15/11/2021 Rating announcement EN

      Scope rates OTP Bank at BBB+/Stable

      The first-time issuer rating of BBB+ reflects OTP's resilient business model and strong credit fundamentals.