

      Polish covered bond issuance expected to surge in next two years

      24/7/2024 Research EN

      Polish covered bond issuance expected to surge in next two years

      The introduction by Poland’s financial supervisory authority (KNF) of a long-term finance ratio for residential mortgages could provide a boost to Poland’s hibernating covered bond market. Green covered bonds could become the instrument of choice.

      Germany: 2025 draft budget tests debt brake flexibilities to partially address investment needs

      19/7/2024 Research EN

      Germany: 2025 draft budget tests debt brake flexibilities to partially address investment needs

      The German government is maximising the modest leeway it has under the so-called debt brake to inject public funds into the economy, but the measures are insufficient for addressing the country’s large and widening investment gap.

      Egypt gains room for manoeuvre but vulnerability to external shocks remains

      19/7/2024 Research EN

      Egypt gains room for manoeuvre but vulnerability to external shocks remains

      Egypt’s public finances remain vulnerable to external shocks given the government’s limited fiscal space though external support, increased foreign direct investment and progress on reforms are improving resilience.

      Covered Bond Quarterly: Steady sailing over the summer with few clouds on the horizon

      18/7/2024 Research EN

      Covered Bond Quarterly: Steady sailing over the summer with few clouds on the horizon

      This year will not set any records for investor-placed covered bonds. After moderate-to-strong activity for most of the year, issuance in June was the slowest in over 10 years. But we still believe our projected volume of EUR 170bn for 2024 is feasible.

      New property value definitions in CRR3 to have notable impact on some mortgage covered bonds

      15/7/2024 Research EN

      New property value definitions in CRR3 to have notable impact on some mortgage covered bonds

      There is less than six months to go until the property value in the updated Capital Requirements Regulation takes effect. This could have a notable impact on covered bonds as market values are directly linked to the amount of bonds that can be issued.

      French bank quarterly: Heated political climate a business drawback

      12/7/2024 Research EN

      French bank quarterly: Heated political climate a business drawback

      Interest-rate cuts boosting loan demand and improving net interest margins were supposed to drive French banks’ performance in the second half but political uncertainty has put investment decisions on hold while mortgage demand was already hesitant.

      France: minority government may mitigate risk of fiscal slippage, but reforms unlikely

      12/7/2024 Research EN

      France: minority government may mitigate risk of fiscal slippage, but reforms unlikely

      A hung parliament in France mitigates risk of significant fiscal slippage due to the policy agendas of the far right or radical left. Still, reform momentum will likely stall given the need for compromise by centrist parties and the political extremes.

      European Bank Capital Quarterly: refinements to supervision and regulations are credit supportive

      11/7/2024 Research EN

      European Bank Capital Quarterly: refinements to supervision and regulations are credit supportive

      The review and revision of EU supervisory practices to enhance their effectiveness is positive for the banking sector. While progress is being made to strengthen the regulatory framework, some banks may struggle or be unable to adapt to new requirements.

      EU banks: NPLs look set to continue rising

      8/7/2024 Research EN

      EU banks: NPLs look set to continue rising

      Despite expectations of a modest economic rebound in the euro area in the second half of 2024 aided by expected rate cuts and even more so in 2025, NPL formation will likely continue to rise moderately. We forecast euro-area GDP growth of 1.0% this year.

      UK: Labour government must prioritise pro-growth policies amid limited fiscal space

      5/7/2024 Research EN

      UK: Labour government must prioritise pro-growth policies amid limited fiscal space

      The Labour Party won a landslide victory in Thursday’s UK general elections but long-run challenges will endure, including dealing with rising debt and reviving the economy while hitting fiscal targets. But the results at a minimum ensure a clear mandate.