

      Scope affirms Norwegian postal and logistics company Posten Bring’s A/Stable issuer rating

      14/2/2025 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms Norwegian postal and logistics company Posten Bring’s A/Stable issuer rating

      Posten Bring’s continued improvement in profitability, and stable market position in the Nordic region support the rating, despite its large ongoing capital investment programme and potential changes in government regulations.

      Scope affirms issuer rating of Posten Bring at A and revises Outlook to Stable

      22/2/2024 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms issuer rating of Posten Bring at A and revises Outlook to Stable

      Posten Bring’s improvement in financial risk profile due to moderation in leverage metrics supports the change in Outlook, notwithstanding continuing pressure due to large ongoing capital investment programme.

      Scope downgrades issuer rating on Posten Norge AS to A from A+, Outlook to Negative

      27/2/2023 Rating announcement EN

      Scope downgrades issuer rating on Posten Norge AS to A from A+, Outlook to Negative

      Posten Norge’s reduced financial flexibility and expected continuation of macroeconomic challenges in coming years drive the downgrade.

      Scope affirms issuer rating of A+/Stable on Posten Norge AS

      1/3/2022 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms issuer rating of A+/Stable on Posten Norge AS

      The affirmation refects the company's good 2021 performace and Scope's expectation of continued strong market positions. Scope notes also increased investments and dividends that could put some pressure on its recent conservative financial risk profile.

      Scope assigns first-time issuer rating of A+/Stable to Posten Norge AS

      26/3/2021 Rating announcement EN

      Scope assigns first-time issuer rating of A+/Stable to Posten Norge AS

      The issuer rating refects Scope's expectation of conservative leverage, Posten's dominance in Nordic postal services market and its full ownership by the Norwegian state.