

      Scope proposes an update to its European Real Estate Rating Methodology and calls for comments

      27/3/2025 Research EN

      Scope proposes an update to its European Real Estate Rating Methodology and calls for comments

      The proposed update refines and further clarifies Scope’s approach. Scope is calling for comments on the methodology by 27 April 2025. The methodology as proposed might have a limited negative impact on the outstanding ratings of two issuers.

      European defence: rearmament orders to test production, R&D, supply chains, short-term funding

      26/3/2025 Research EN

      European defence: rearmament orders to test production, R&D, supply chains, short-term funding

      Rearming Europe is set to boost demand for the region’s defence companies but will test the sector’s fragmented production capabilities, R&D, supply chains, and access to capital, says Scope Ratings.

      Webinar: Outlook for European corporate hybrid bonds

      24/3/2025 Research EN

      Webinar: Outlook for European corporate hybrid bonds

      Wednesday, April 9th 2025 - 11:00 AM (CEST)

      BP: Walking a fine line between shareholder pressure and debt reduction

      10/3/2025 Research EN

      BP: Walking a fine line between shareholder pressure and debt reduction

      BP plans to appease disgruntled shareholders and reduce its heavy debt load amid a mild cyclical downturn in the oil market. Further declines in crude prices could exacerbate financial pressures.

      Real Estate Insight – March 2025

      5/3/2025 Research EN

      Real Estate Insight – March 2025

      Europe’s real estate firms find funding respite but refinancing challenge looms; covered bonds provide stability in turbulent times; non-prime office segment faces rising vacancy rates; what can Frederick the Great tell us about today’s capital markets?

      Hybrid bond outlook: busy call schedule, tight spreads to drive corporate deal volumes

      4/3/2025 Research EN

      Hybrid bond outlook: busy call schedule, tight spreads to drive corporate deal volumes

      European corporate hybrid bond issuance could reach EUR 36bn in 2025, driven by a busy call schedule and lower subordination premiums. Almost EUR 25bn of hybrids hit call dates this year, rising to EUR 38bn in 2026.

      European real estate: funding squeeze forgotten; refinancing challenge lies ahead

      18/2/2025 Research EN

      European real estate: funding squeeze forgotten; refinancing challenge lies ahead

      Easing financial conditions and returning investor appetite for corporate debt have drawn a line under the European real estate sector’s funding squeeze, though a daunting short- to medium-term refinancing challenge remains.

      Scope publishes final General Corporate Rating Methodology

      14/2/2025 Research EN

      Scope publishes final General Corporate Rating Methodology

      The methodology is now final following a call-for-comments period and will apply to all issuer and debt ratings of non-financial corporates. A limited impact is expected on outstanding ratings.

      Oil & gas sector credit outlook shifts to balanced from positive; crude prices reflect ample supply

      14/2/2025 Research EN

      Oil & gas sector credit outlook shifts to balanced from positive; crude prices reflect ample supply

      European integrated oil and gas companies (IOCs) can look ahead to a balanced credit outlook for the rest of the year compared with the positive one they faced in 2024 as likely lower average oil prices reflect an amply supplied market.

      European utilities:  less price support, more capex leave credit outlook less positive but balanced

      12/2/2025 Research EN

      European utilities: less price support, more capex leave credit outlook less positive but balanced

      European utilities face more difficult financial crosscurrents this year as years of extra earnings from elevated power prices have come to an end while the funding requirement to meet rising capital expenditure continues to grow.