

      Global economic update: soft landing reinforces prospect of higher-for-longer interest rates

      19/6/2024 Research EN

      Global economic update: soft landing reinforces prospect of higher-for-longer interest rates

      A sustained period of higher interest rates will present a challenge for many borrowers worldwide, as economies adapt to a new era of comparatively tight monetary policy amid a recovery in growth and enduring inflation.

      Scope publishes final rating methodology on European Utilities

      17/6/2024 Research EN

      Scope publishes final rating methodology on European Utilities

      The methodology is now final following a call-for-comments period and will apply to all issuer and debt ratings of corporates in the sector. The application of the updated methodology will not trigger any rating changes.

      Hungarian corporate bonds: cliff risk rises for high-yield issuers amid tough operating conditions

      16/5/2024 Research EN

      Hungarian corporate bonds: cliff risk rises for high-yield issuers amid tough operating conditions

      Bondholders in the Hungarian National Bank’s Bond Funding for Growth programme (‘NKP’) face a covenant-related credit challenge amid difficult domestic economic conditions, says Scope Ratings.

      Aircraft finance: Boeing’s 737 MAX issues delay post-Covid normalisation of aviation market

      7/5/2024 Research EN

      Aircraft finance: Boeing’s 737 MAX issues delay post-Covid normalisation of aviation market

      Safety-related production problems at Boeing Co. are delaying the normalisation of the aviation finance sector, partly to the benefit of aircraft-leasing companies, as post-pandemic demand for air travel grows faster than the supply of aircraft.

      Webinar: Economic opportunities and challenges in CEE and European bank strategies in the region

      24/4/2024 Research EN

      Webinar: Economic opportunities and challenges in CEE and European bank strategies in the region

      May 16, 2024 15:30 (CEST)

      Real Estate Insight - April 2024

      12/4/2024 Research EN

      Real Estate Insight - April 2024

      Europe’s real estate companies grapple with negative credit outlook; German banks look resilient despite CRE risks; bond market access is a differentiator for property companies; systemic risks are still high in European housing

      Germany’s auto parts sector: defaults point to consolidation in cyclical downturn rather than crisis

      10/4/2024 Research EN

      Germany’s auto parts sector: defaults point to consolidation in cyclical downturn rather than crisis

      Multiple bankruptcies in Germany’s automotive parts sector since mid-2023 are less a sign of a sector-wide crisis than the impact of a cyclical downturn and tight credit conditions on suppliers with financial and commercial weaknesses.

      Scope publishes final rating methodology for Pharmaceutical Companies’ Rating Methodology

      5/4/2024 Research EN

      Scope publishes final rating methodology for Pharmaceutical Companies’ Rating Methodology

      The methodology is now final following a call-for-comments period and will apply to all issuer and debt ratings of corporates in the sector. The application of the updated methodology will not trigger any rating changes.

      Scope publishes final rating methodology for European Real Estate Rating Methodology

      28/3/2024 Research EN

      Scope publishes final rating methodology for European Real Estate Rating Methodology

      The methodology is now final following a call-for-comments period and will apply to all issuer and debt ratings of European real estate corporates. The methodology might have a limited negative impact on outstanding ratings of one issuer.

      Webinar: Commercial real estate – how concerned should debt investors be?

      26/3/2024 Research EN

      Webinar: Commercial real estate – how concerned should debt investors be?

      Thursday, April 11th 2024 - 3:30 PM (CEST)