

      Germany: 2025 draft budget tests debt brake flexibilities to partially address investment needs

      19/7/2024 Research EN

      Germany: 2025 draft budget tests debt brake flexibilities to partially address investment needs

      The German government is maximising the modest leeway it has under the so-called debt brake to inject public funds into the economy, but the measures are insufficient for addressing the country’s large and widening investment gap.

      Egypt gains room for manoeuvre but vulnerability to external shocks remains

      19/7/2024 Research EN

      Egypt gains room for manoeuvre but vulnerability to external shocks remains

      Egypt’s public finances remain vulnerable to external shocks given the government’s limited fiscal space though external support, increased foreign direct investment and progress on reforms are improving resilience.

      France: minority government may mitigate risk of fiscal slippage, but reforms unlikely

      12/7/2024 Research EN

      France: minority government may mitigate risk of fiscal slippage, but reforms unlikely

      A hung parliament in France mitigates risk of significant fiscal slippage due to the policy agendas of the far right or radical left. Still, reform momentum will likely stall given the need for compromise by centrist parties and the political extremes.

      UK: Labour government must prioritise pro-growth policies amid limited fiscal space

      5/7/2024 Research EN

      UK: Labour government must prioritise pro-growth policies amid limited fiscal space

      The Labour Party won a landslide victory in Thursday’s UK general elections but long-run challenges will endure, including dealing with rising debt and reviving the economy while hitting fiscal targets. But the results at a minimum ensure a clear mandate.

      G7: rising debt heightens sovereign risks amid election uncertainty

      4/7/2024 Research EN

      G7: rising debt heightens sovereign risks amid election uncertainty

      Higher-for-longer rates heighten the stakes for sovereign debt sustainability especially as financial-market and institutional checks on excessive borrowing of rich countries are weaker than they were several years ago, says Scope Ratings.

      France: electoral outcome set to slow growth reforms, fiscal consolidation, and EU policy agenda

      3/7/2024 Research EN

      France: electoral outcome set to slow growth reforms, fiscal consolidation, and EU policy agenda

      France’s planned consolidation of its public finances risks being deferred considering the most likely outcomes of the legislative elections, with important consequences for the EU’s policy agenda and potentially euro area investor sentiment.

      Scope proposes an update to its Government Related Entities Rating Methodology and invites comments

      28/6/2024 Research EN

      Scope proposes an update to its Government Related Entities Rating Methodology and invites comments

      Scope Ratings calls for comments on its Government Related Entities Rating Methodology by 29 July 2024. The proposed update refines Scope’s analytical approach. No rating changes are expected as a result of this update.

      Scope publishes updated supranational methodology following call for comments

      21/6/2024 Research EN

      Scope publishes updated supranational methodology following call for comments

      Scope has published the final version of its supranational methodology together with a feedback report addressing market participants’ comments. The methodology update, which follows a call for comments released on 10 May 2024, has no rating impact.

      Global economic update: soft landing reinforces prospect of higher-for-longer interest rates

      19/6/2024 Research EN

      Global economic update: soft landing reinforces prospect of higher-for-longer interest rates

      A sustained period of higher interest rates will present a challenge for many borrowers worldwide, as economies adapt to a new era of comparatively tight monetary policy amid a recovery in growth and enduring inflation.

      Belgium: nationalist parties raise risk of political gridlock and deterioration of fiscal outlook

      14/6/2024 Research EN

      Belgium: nationalist parties raise risk of political gridlock and deterioration of fiscal outlook

      Strong momentum behind the Flemish nationalists and separatists in Belgium’s federal election aggravates political fragmentation and polarization. It complicates forming a new government and the consolidation of public finances, a key credit challenge.